Welcome to the world of MCC.

作为北美最具创新精神的社区学院之一, 我们很高兴欢迎来自世界各地的学生. And you’ll be pleased to know that many of our students go on to succeed at colleges like Rochester Institute of Technology, 康奈尔和其他优秀的四年制大学.

We're ready to help you!

Building: 1, Room: 211
(585) 292-2200

你对申请和录取过程有什么问题吗? Schedule an in-person appointment with a friendly and helpful admissions representative today.

为了最好的体验, please select the appointment location that best represents your needs.

  • 与布莱顿招生代表预约 在布莱顿校区,Zoom或电话预约也可用 
  • MCC Friday Meet Ups! Every Friday at 1pm. 与其他学生在一个小的环境中探索校园. These weekly mini-information session will give you a more tailored experience of MCC, a tour of campus, 还有机会和招生部门的人见面. 专为当前或最近的高中学生, but anyone is welcome to attend, including parents. (5月24日至整个7月,夏令时改为上午10点.)

Brighton Campus

Building 1, Room 211


Monday – Friday 8:45am – 4:45pm





How to Apply, Step by Step

Here are the steps to get through the application process at MCC quickly and easily. 在这个过程中,我们很乐意以任何方式帮助你. That’s why we’re here. Please contact us at InternationalAdmissions@www00028.com.